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Back to School Shot Clinic

 Aug 08 - Aug 15, 2018 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Wed., Aug. 8 - Fri., Aug. 10 &
Mon. Aug. 12 - Wed., Aug. 15
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Event Location

Main Location - Ullman Building
597 West 11th St.
Panama City, FL 32401

Wed., Aug. 8 - Fri., Aug. 10 & 
Mon. Aug. 12 - Wed., Aug. 15
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Each child must provide a Florida certification of Immunization (DH 680 form) for school entrance. Parents of Kindergartners through 7th graders are encouraged to review their child’s immunization record to ensure they are ready for the upcoming year. Florida SHOTS online immune registry keeps track of immunizations once registered in Florida. You can request a copy at DOH-Bay’s office.  To save time, please have a copy of your child’s shot record ready when you arrive.

If you are coming from out of State, your child’s records will not be in Florida SHOTS. Please bring a copy of your child’s immunization record with you. You may request this from your previous immunization provider. If we request it, it could take a few days for the information to be sent to our offices.

In addition to the required vaccinations, DOH-Bay will also offer the optional protective immunizations that protect pre-teens and teens from HPV and meningitis. The meningitis vaccine is now required for college students who will be living on campus. 

For more information, call DOH-Bay at 850-872-4455 or visit. or follow us at Twitter @FLHealthEmerald. Visit to learn more about immunizations your child may need.

  • Schedule

Event Starts: 8:00 AM

Event Ends: 4:00 PM

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