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February 04, 2022

Panama City, Fla. – Tobacco Free Florida introduced Live Vape Free, a first-ever program that offers tools and resources to address teen electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use. The program is designed to help teens quit nicotine and empowers adults to support teens who want to quit.  

Live Vape Free is a text-based program that provides teens (ages 13-17) with text support, interactive content and one-on-one coaching to help them quit e-cigarettes. The program is tailored to teens by featuring an authentic voice. The cadence of the program also adapts to the teen’s level of engagement, which may differ from person to person. The program features content that:

  • Educates teens on the keys to quitting nicotine.
  • Motivates, inspires and enlightens users on the importance of staying nicotine-free.
  • Helps teens find their “why” when quitting.
  • Boosts overall confidence among teens looking to quit. 

“The Bay County Tobacco Prevention program works with residents, community leaders, employers, schools, and the Bay County Tobacco Free Partnership to increase knowledge about resources available for people to quit using tobacco products and e-cigarettes and to educate on policies to make it easier for those who want to stop”, said Sandon S. Speedling, MHS, CPM, CPH, Administrator and Health Officer, Florida Department of Health in Bay County. “This service will be a valuable tool to assist our younger population in quitting e-cigarette usage.”  

Teen e-cigarette use has significantly increased in recent years and, in 2021, e-cigarettes continued to be the most used tobacco product among teens. In Florida, 12.8% of youth still use an e-cigarette, compared to just 1.1% who still use conventional cigarettes. 

Adults in teens' lives, such as parents, guardians, teachers and administrators, can also play a key role in helping teens quit e-cigarettes. Live Vape Free provides adults with self-paced online courses, one-on-one coaching support and downloadable toolkits to educate them on teen e-cigarette use and arms them with the tools needed to support teens on their quit journey.

For more information on how to sign up for either of the Live Vape Free programs, visit

Adults (ages 18 and older) looking to quit any form of nicotine, including e-cigarettes, can do so with the Quit Your Way program. Tobacco Free Florida offers free and proven-effective tools and services at


About Tobacco Free Florida

The Florida Department of Health’s Tobacco Free Florida campaign is a statewide cessation and prevention campaign funded by Florida’s tobacco settlement fund. Since the program began in 2007, more than 254,000 Floridians have successfully quit using one of Tobacco Free Florida's free tools and services. There are now approximately 451,000 fewer adult smokers in Florida than there was 10 years ago, and the state has saved $17.7 billion in health care costs.[1] To learn more about Tobacco Free Florida’s Quit Your Way services, visit or follow the campaign on Facebook at or on Twitter at


[1] Mann, Nathan M, Nonnemaker, James M., Thompson, Jesse. "Smoking-Attributable Health Care Costs in Florida and Potential Health Care Cost Savings Associated with Reductions in Adult Smoking Prevalence." 2016. [Accessed October 22, 2020.]


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