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Bay County Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

A community relies on the health and vitality of its members to thrive. Creating and maintaining a healthy community is a team effort that requires a vast amount of effort, time, and dedication by community leaders, organizations, and concerned citizens.

The Panhandle Health Alliance (PHA) is a dedicated group of people from a variety of agencies, organizations, businesses, as well as concerned citizens who want to make a difference in the health of Bay County’s citizens, and conducts periodic comprehensive evaluations of the health of the citizens of Bay County so that strategies may be developed to address issues and improve community health. 

The 2022 Bay County Community Health Needs Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan are the results of a systematic process in which data was collected regarding the community health issues that are of most concern to Bay County residents. The Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnership (MAPP) strategic planning framework for improving public health was used to guide the process in Bay County.  

Six key issues were identified in the 2022 Community Health Improvement Plan: 

  1. Access to Care
  2. Mental Health
  3. Substance Abuse to include intentional self-harm
  4. Transportation
  5. Affordable Housing
  6. Diabetes Prevention 

Priority Area Workgroups (PAW) were developed for each key issue and have been hard at work addressing these issues. 

Florida Community Health Assessment Resource Tool Set (Florida CHARTS)- Florida CHARTS is your one-stop-site for Florida public health statistics and community health data.  Site includes health statistics such as births, deaths, disease morbidity, population, and behavioral risk factors.  Some statistics are available by county or zip code. 

County Health Profile- Answers questions such as, How healthy are our residents? and What does the health status of our community look like?

County Health Status Summary- Provides county trends for individual indicators, Healthy People 2020 goals, and county quartiles.

Major Causes of Death - Lists the major causes of death in Bay County. 

County Chronic Disease Profile - Displays chronic disease indicators such as diabetes age-adjusted death and hospitalization rates. 

County Health Rankings - Show us that where we live matters to our health.  The health of a community depends on many different factors – ranging from health behaviors, education and jobs, to quality of health care to the environment.