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HIV Contact Info

Testing and Counseling

The Florida Department of Health in Bay County (DOH-Bay) offers the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) test at no charge.

  • Testing is confidential.
  • Anonymous testing is available for a fee. Instead of giving your name, you will be identified by a unique number.
  • Partner notification services are available.
  • The testing procedure will include pre and post-test counseling.
  • Testing is offered by appointment, or you can walk in between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m..
  • Confidential Rapid Test will give results in approximately 15 minutes.
  • Confidential HIV Rapid Testing is available each Tuesday as walk-ins from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m..

For more information about HIV/AIDS, contact us at 850-872-4455 or via


Pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP) is when people at risk for HIV take daily medicine to prevent HIV. PrEP can stop HIV from taking hold and spreading throughout your body. When taken daily, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV from sex or injection drug use. PrEP is much less effective when it is not taken consistently.

Studies have shown that PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by about 99% when taken daily. Among people who inject drugs, PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV by at least 74% when taken daily.

PrEP may be a good option for you if:

  • Have had anal or vaginal sex in the past 6 months and:
  • Your partner's HIV status is not known.
  • Have a sexual partner with HIV (especially if the partner has an unknown or detectable viral load)
  • Have not consistently used a condom
  • Have been diagnosed with an STD in the past 6 months
  • You use injection drugs.
  • Your partner uses injection drugs.

PrEP should be taken every day. People who take PrEP should see their health care provider every 3 months for follow-up and prescription refills.

PrEP is covered by most insurance programs. If you don't have insurance, you can get medication assistance to help pay for PrEP.

For more information on PrEP contact our clinic at 850-872-4455.

Meningococcal Disease

The meningococcal disease rate for gay, bisexual men, and men who have sex with men is on the rise.

Meningococcal disease can:

  • Cause severe infections of the brain's lining, the spinal cord, or the bloodstream.
  • Spread through respiratory and throat secretions like spit, and by living in close quarters, kissing, sexual contact, etc.
  • Cause sudden fever, headache, stiff neck or flu-like symptoms- often with nausea, vomiting, increase sensitivity to light, rash, and confusion.

Get the Meningococcal disease vaccine. Call our clinic at 850-872-4455.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A refers to live inflammation caused by infection with the Hepatitis A virus. Because of its highly contagious nature, it often results in outbreaks or epidemics. There are vaccines that can prevent hepatitis A and B, as well as combination vaccines that protects against both.

Protection starts about 2-4 weeks after the first shot, with a second dosage administered 6-18 months later to ensure long-term protection.

Who needs to the Hepatitis A vaccine?

  • Men who have sex with men.
  • Anyone who uses street drugs or shares needles.
  • People who have chronic liver disease or an impaired immune system.
  • Any person being treated with blood-clotting drugs, such as those with hemophilia.

Clinic Services

Our clinic specializes in providing medical care for persons living with HIV and AIDS. We see patients by appointment.

If you are HIV-positive and want more information about medical services, or to see our HIV specialist, call DOH-Bay at 850-872-4455 to make an appointment.

AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP/Premium Plus)

The AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) is a statewide, federally funded prescription medication program for low-income people living with HIV. This program provides medications to uninsured or underinsured individuals living with HIV. Services are provided through the distribution of medication directly to eligible clients or by purchase of health insurance that includes coverage for HIV/AIDS medications. Call 850-872-4455 to make an appointment to enroll or for a medication pickup.


  • Need HIV/AIDS prescriptions
  • Have income at 400% or less of the Federal Poverty Level
  • Are uninsured or do not have adequate prescription coverage
  • Are not confined to a hospital, nursing home, hospice, or correctional facility


Classes are provided to any interested group who would like HIV prevention education for their church, civic, or community group. They are tailored to the needs of your specific population.

Certification classes required to maintain health care and other professional licenses are available, usually on the first Thursday of each month. Contact us for details.

Special classes are available to train volunteers and professionals to do HIV/AIDS counseling and testing. These are held at the health department or at other locations throughout the surrounding six counties.

2023 HIV/AIDS Education Schedule is located here.

Click here to access the online Education Registration Form.

HIV/AIDS Awareness Events

There are several National HIV/AIDS Awareness Days throughout the year. DOH-Bay partners with community organizations, churches and individuals to recognize and commemorate these days through gatherings, special events and health fairs.

We'll Come To You

DOH-Bay HIV/AIDS specialists are available to provide HIV and Hepatitis-C testing at your event or organization. If interested, please contact us at 850-872-4455.

Central Panhandle AIDS Network

Join us and have your voice heard! The Central Panhandle AIDS Network has monthly Consortium meetings that address prevention and patient care issues within Area 2A, which includes Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, and Washington Counties. This organization is a partnership of local agencies, health care providers and concerned citizens that meets quarterly in Bay County. All interested people are invited to attend. Please call for details and the location of the next meeting!

Have you just found out you are HIV positive?

You may feel scared or upset first, but now that you know you are HIV positive, you have the ability to control what happens next.

Living with HIV isn't like it used to be. Being treated for HIV leads to feeling well and living a full, productive and healthy life. Some things may have to change; however, you may find that embracing the changes can improve your life. Visit to learn about the many HIV and AIDS service programs available in Northwest Florida. These programs provide a wide variety of services to assist you in living with HIV.